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Procedural Atmosphere for exoplanet - pseudorealistic composition, pressure etc

I have a programme built in python and rust, procedurally generating stars, planets, etc. I have come to a point where I have to work on atmospheric characteristics, hopefully managing to get a pseudo-...
Hal's user avatar
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A small planet with earthlike gravity

Is it possible to create an Earthlike planet, that is smaller than the Earth , like for example the size of Mars, by altering the core composition like for example making it: Iron (Piron ): 75.6% ...
Naima's user avatar
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Astro-Mechanics: Plausibility check for binary system merge

I have a binary system composed primary about a brown dwarf and a k6.6V star that's the fusion of the system 1 and 2 7.41 billion years ago, I'll tell you the story and I'll ask the question after the ...
Paleoaster 3d's user avatar
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Weather patterns on a world with a homogenous distribution of land and ocean?

What would the weather patterns be like on an Earth with a more homogenous distribution of land and ocean? That is, keep the overall amount of water the same, the ratio of water to land the same (...
Drewch's user avatar
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Effects of Day/Night divide on airflow patterns on a binary planet

I'm currently working on a project with a binary planetary system (both planets are around .8 earth mass with some variation), and naturally, the planets are tidally locked to each other, leading to a ...
Max Bird's user avatar
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Can there be habitable moons despite heavy changes in axial tilt of their mother body?

Ok so i created a gas giant with 10 Jupiter masses and like 9 moons between 0.8 and 1.5 earth masses. All exept the most distanced of those moons are tidally locked to the gas giant and their axial ...
Zadai.Fehbiab's user avatar
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Building a planetary system: realistic orbits, with regard to dynamical evolution

I'm attempting to nail down concrete details of a planetary system I've been working on. Working from the top down, I think it's necessary to determine orbital characteristics of the planets first. ...
sevenempest's user avatar