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6 votes
2 answers

Could a planet have ocean basins if it did not have an ocean?

If a planet, lets call her Shiloh, had no oceans or liquid water on the surface; Could it still have deep, vast ocean basins? Or would a dry ocean basin level out over time?
KaffeeByte's user avatar
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Are my plate tectonics/land masses realistic?

I'm building a new planet up from scratch, and wanted to get a sanity check on my plate tectonics and land masses. It doesn't have to be 100% realistic, but I'd like it to be plausible to someone who ...
TheyreOnFire's user avatar
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corrected projections: Is this world map realistic? I tried to use plate tectonics to inform my mountain and island chain placements

1 degree of latitude = 96.57 km. Equirectangular projections. (Yes, I need to revise the polar regions to make sure they don't get squished.) Obliquity of Jasmi: +31.1 degrees. Radius of Jasmi: 0....
Rúnatál Davino's user avatar