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0 answers

How can an Earth-like planet support two moons of different sizes [closed]

In my world, I need to have two moons orbiting an Earth-like planet. I need the extreme tides as they play a big part for a cultural detail. The first moon should be roughly the size of our own moon, ...
6 votes
1 answer

On the tidal heating of a moon. What is the second Love number?

Years ago it was asked here how to calculate the tidal heating of a moon orbiting another body with a simple equation. The answer is very detailed. They explain the equation, its shortcomings, the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Tides on a planet with 5 moons? [duplicate]

What would be the effects on an earth-like planet with 5 moons, one the size of Earth's moon and the others approximately 1/10th its size? How massive would the tides be when they align?
7 votes
4 answers

Would it be possible to have an earth-sized planet have much larger tides while remaining habitable?

I want a planet with roughly the same mass and volume of earth to have tides on a much larger scale than earth, enough that the coast would be extended for at least several hundred feet at low tide in ...
4 votes
2 answers

What effects would an extra few moons have on my planet?

While I was worldbuilding I thought about how cool it would be if my planet had maybe two, maybe three moons. Does this change the world itself? For example: How are the tides and ocean affected? How ...
-1 votes
1 answer

How great could tides be on Earth (or an Earth-like planet) if you swapped the Moon? [closed]

Assuming a planet would have Earth's surface gravity and about the same share of it's surface covered by water, how great could you make tides if you could make the moon bigger, smaller, denser, less ...
10 votes
3 answers

Can a planet still function with a damaged moon?

I'm thinking of having a world that has a moon that's been partially split (so not fully halved) with the debris slowly separating from it. At night you'd see the split moon mainly and lots of ...
1 vote
3 answers

How big does a moon have to be to have the earth locked to it?

I would like a earth-moon system like Pluto-Charon (but with earth instead of Pluto) where both will be tidally locked to each other within something like 3 billion years (before complex life appears)....
11 votes
9 answers

Can one or multiple moon(s) pull the sea around my planet?

I'm building a world which is 50% covered by the sea. For approximately half the year, the sea covers one hemisphere; for the other half it moves to the other hemisphere, leaving the first a dry sea-...
7 votes
1 answer

How would tidal forces impact two habitable moons in a horseshoe orbit?

I saw this video a while ago, and recently it's gotten me thinking. Towards the end of Artifexian's video on gas giants and habitable moons, he mentions the idea of having 2 habitable moons in a ...
6 votes
4 answers

Almost tidally locked to moon and the tides it would create

I have a world with a moon, much like Earth and the Moon, except that the planet is almost tidally locked to the moon. The moon therefore appears to move only very slowly through the sky, and takes, ...
5 votes
2 answers

I'm building a fantasy world like Earth but it has two moons adjacent to each other in a co-orbital configuration and need help

I am looking for help on the following: Will that have any affect on the length of days and nights? Would having two moons create a higher body of water on the planet due to increased tides? (i.e. ...
2 votes
1 answer

Planet with 4 major moons, Habitable?

I designed my Kepler Bb planet to have 4 major moons. They each have a differing trajectory and are in resonant orbits for stabilization. I also designed the planet to have earth gravity but be bigger ...