I'll take a contrarian approach. It will take less than 30 years to domesticate humans.
The invading aliens are technologically superior to such an extent that their technology is like magic to us.
If they can travel interstellar distances, they have us beat in that same way that dogs cannot understand how our household technology works. The dry food arrives in either a paper or plastic bag. The wet food arrives in tin cans (not that they understand paper, plastic or tin). Humans cause the food to come out of the containers like magic. Water is always in the toilet, ready to drink.
So the alien overlords have AI, unknowable materials science, near instantaneous surveillance and superior weaponry. Resistance is futile.
Human science, engineering, and most learning will collapse because there is no point studying Einstein if he's just been proven wrong and we don't have the intermediate steps to get to whatever the aliens understand of physics. Again dogs can't understand refrigerators let along jet aircraft.
Religious conservatives, the military, nationalists, the wealthy, elites and politicians will be killed during the invasion. Any survivors will commit suicide unable to understand the world they find themselves in.
The human population will probably shrink by a least a billion, probably by 90%, possibly by 99%. That leaves 70 Million humans. Still probably too many if the Alien elite need only trophy humans for the status symbol. They probably only need a breeding population of 50,000 to 100,000 humans. The aliens could take the long view and allow humans to continue living in cities without culling the population.
If the aliens allow human culture to continue, are generous with food, medical attention and shelter, there should be a flowering of human creative endeavours as humans have nothing else to do but create art, books, music, movies, theatre and entertainment. Bread and circuses.
Humans will be left with art and sex as their only pastimes. By the time the children born on invasion day reach puberty (say 12-15) any "old-timers" notions of human resistance will have vanished. By the time those children's children hit puberty they'll be like the Eloi in HG Well's Time Machine. Life will be idyllic, simple and totally dependant on the mercy and good treatment of the alien overlords
As a result of comments I note that "Einstein being proven wrong" is inaccurate in the same way that Einstein did not prove Newton wrong. However, Einstein did state that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. So the aliens are either:
- Interstellar travellers with warp/hyperspace/whatever FTL ships
- Generation or Suspended animation ships travelling interstellar distances at slower than lightspeed
- Interplanetary aliens that we cannot detect either from the outer solar system or cloaked in the inner solar system.
All 3 scenarios significantly exceed our technology. And the most likely scenario is they've cracked FTL travel.
They've also invaded and enslaved humanity. So the starting assumption is they kicked our asses.