Setting: partially rebuilt post apo world (with human settlers)
Technology: comparable to early XXIst century (so yes, the most human works in services)
Affluence: first world equivalent
Population: very low, around 10 mln for whole planet
Planet: A slightly colder than Earth, tidally locked planet orbiting red dwarf.
Energy: Effectively no fossil fuels, main source of energy is hydropower
Which climate and geological conditions would be the most suitable for capitol of tidally locked planet? (capitol means not only the sit of gov, but also a place where most of population would live; everything is built from scratch, so for practical purposes assume no historical reasons for preferring any specific location)
(so either I would have to put capitol to such place or think desperately of an excuse, why it wasn't possible)
1) The dark side of the planet (ice desert) and point closest to its star (hurricane rain forest) is the place that would be automatically excluded from any significant human settlement. So which climate would be the best? I mean sea climate or at least a bit continental? Also which average temperature would be optimal? (any ideas on comparing cost of central heating to air conditioning?)
2) Transport - on such poorly populated planet waterways are going to be crucial. But does it mean that a city would really have to be at sea/ocean shore? Would there be any problem to place it near local Nile/Amazon equivalent?
3) Geology - seismically dead zone (so no hot springs).
4) If having to pick one resource, what would be the most important to have nearby? Some specific ore? Fertile farmland? Nearby place of hydropower? (or maybe it is an issue of low priority because of easy transport with modern tech and more practical would be shallow bed rock to facilitate build of high buildings?)
Did I miss any crucial factor?