Joe should go into politics.
The shock of having an honest politician may be a bit much, but people would accept it. After all its "Honest Joe". I have to admit, that I am assuming his superpower works over television, etc. and does not work only in his personal presence.
Joe is no longer accidentally using his superpower. He is using it intentionally to change the world for the better (hopefully).
As for his public policy speeches. He should be utterly dependent upon the teleprompter so that his words are carefully scripted to have the exact effect he desires.
In private he can instruct his advisors, etc. to tell me what you really think, don't worry about disagreeing with me. In fact he could get the best and brightest to advise him specifically about how to best use his superpower.
When caught in an impromptu press conference, etc. He could still control the message in acceptable ways. To dodge a question about current events, "I am not sure we know all of the relevant facts at this time but I am following the events and share your concern, next question please." or "I am not taking questions on this subject at this time" or "I don't have time to answer this right now" Best thing is, since even the reporters trust Joe, no controversial followup questions will trouble him.
Politics is about messaging. How do you say something to accentuate your message and not "step in it". Pick abortion as a an example, few things are more politically controversial in the US.
- As a Democrat: "I think abortion should be rare but legal. But
ultimately at some level it is wrong to force a woman in what has to
be a very personal decision."
- As a Republican: "I think abortion should only be legal in very
restricted cases. Although I am very sympathetic to the women
carrying an unwanted child, I cannot agree that killing an innocent
baby is something a moral people can endorse."
I believe both of these statements are a pretty accurate representation of the party positions. Coming from Joe, both statements are perceived as reasonable by everybody. Coming from Hillary Clinton or Ted Cruz, they aggravate the opposition as wrong-headed and hypocritical.
Joe can memorize the stock phrases he needs to answer most questions to convey his precise intent. He can deal with other question using his dodge phrases until a better opportunity to answer carefully arises.
Now, if Joe is good and wise, we can have the best politician possible. If he is evil or foolish it could be very bad for his constituents.
If you have a superpower and don't use it you are simply wasting an opportunity. This waste will very likely eat at you as a failure of character (if good) or failure to take advantage (if evil). Avoiding the power will cause Joe harm, and logically if Joe is good, harm others by not having the benefit of his beneficence.
I thought that some people would not consider the life of a politician to be normal, but did not address it. I know some politicians personally. They seem to lead what is a very normal life. They love their spouse and kids, enjoy their kids and friends. Maybe they go to a ball game occasionally including their kids playing sports.
Perhaps at the level of the President of the US you are necessarily more isolated and thus not living a normal life. So maybe Joe will not run for the top office, maybe he limits his office to mayor of a large city.
On the other hand, if you get used to being mayor, maybe governor seems normal. And once you get used to being governor, becoming president seems normal. I know I've had this conversation with one of my politician friends and this is pretty much how he described it -- i.e., initially he was more impressed with the office and its responsibilities, but after a while it was just normal and the other senators no longer seemed above him in terms of being beyond just normal people like him.
I considered other professions, but eventually decided upon politician.
- Preacher
- Salesman
- Trial Lawyer
- Mediator
- News Anchor
- Public Relations
- Inspirational Speaker
All of these would certainly be different with Joe's condition. I would certainly welcome a careful case for any of the above for being a better choice or something that I did not consider.
The invention of lying
: $\endgroup$