For reasons, a cosmic corrective force known as the Equilibrium Hivemind awakens on modern day Earth. Viewing the current Korean Peninsula as the anomaly activating it, it forcefully transforms the peninsula by adding more landmass in it:
Below this picture, the blue marker represents the general boundary of the newly added landmass. The landmass is teleported instantly into its position:
The added landmass is entirely a grassy flatland occasionally dotted with mountains and completely lacking in fossils and bodies of water of any kind. The ground is perfectly and absolutely even with no deviation asides from the mountains. The Equilibrium Hivemind doesn't want to exhaust itself in simulating a plausible billion years-spanning geological history for the added landmass so it designs the landmass to have seemingly never been touched by any lifeforms and most natural phenomena.
To not upset its perceived balance any further, the Equilibrium Hivemind creates a global Mandela Effect that informs the entire world that East Asia has always been like this without editing the world's history as much as possible. Every written, recorded, and drawn reference of the former Koreas are edited with this in mind. Basically, assume the world has always inexplicably treated this new Korea as the default. Only now, people are starting to note the oddities. Furthermore, the ensuing calamities caused by the teleported landmass is also removed of by the Equilibrium Hivemind so that the world doesn't experience even more deviations it needs to fix. Any casualties regardless of its countermeasures are simply erased from the global memory.
From the perspective of geologists and related technical experts who've had their memories edited, would this new Korea be an anomaly to their expertise such that it prompts greater analysis? In other words: Using our current knowledge and theories of geology, would the landmass seem contradictory and incongruous to an extreme degree?