I already wrote here one question about my planet Artemis. It has size similar to Earth, it is orbiting its star in average distance like Earth, but with little bit larger excentricity (causing that differences in seasons in northern hemisphere are larger than differences in southern hemisphere).
Oceans are placed only in northern hemisphere, deserts are almost completely covering southern hemisphere. I placed there two inland seas fed by rivers. One inland sea (Mare Nereidum) has size 350000 sqkm and is fed by river Erebus. Sea is placed at 45°-55° southern latitude, majority at 47°. It is surrounded by mountains rim with height around 5,5 km maximum (atmposhere composition is similar to Earth). Picutres of sea and planet are at hyperlinks inserted in text (in better quality) and I worse quality I uploaded picture of map with Mare Nereidum at the end of my question.
And here is my expectation, how this inland sea would influence surrounding, which I would like to ask you, if possible, whether I overestimated influence, or underestimated. I think, that evaporation will be not too high, therefore low placed areas around sea will have very low precipitation and will remain desert and semi-desert like almost all rest of southern hemisphere. However mountains can catch some evaporated moisture and I think, that they can catch sufficient amount of precipitation which will allow to grow at least some sparse forests. Is my assumption correct? How far can such sea of size 350000 sqkm influence surroundings?
My another assumption is, that in winter will be sea frozen, therefore winters in mountains will be with very few snow (which will fall in autumn) and majority of precipitation will fall in summer storms. Correct?
Thanks for any comments, answers in advance.