So, humans have achieved interstellar flight and colonised a distant planet. They have terraformed this world, and now they are beginning to build their first cities.
However, a Neo-Luddite faction arises amongst the colonists which wants the colony to abandon all high tech and return to a “pure” way of life in their new garden of eden. Either by force or by swaying the younger, impressionable generation, the Luddites get their way. The cities are burnt down, all high-tech appliances are ritually destroyed, and the colonists scatter into the wilderness to live as hunter-gatherers.
But not all the colonists wanted this. So, a resistance movement uses bioengineering to give its members a set of genetic memories regarding metalworking, agriculture and other important technologies. The resistance hopes that these “Visionaries” or their descendants will one day go on to rebuild civilisation to its former level.
My question is: how effective would this be at enabling a stone-age civilisation to reach an advanced (think 1960s) level of technology, in a timespan of about 600 years?