One day, a world similar to our own (henceforth calling it "science world") is connected to another, magical world. The magical world is just like those Japanese anime iseikais, with magics, demonic races, and monsters, but with sciences at the late 1700s level. Due to some incidents, people from both worlds can "reincarnate" themselves to another world for as long as they want. Magic world residents, no matter whether they were humans, minotaurs, demons, or harpies, will become a human version of themselves in the science world. A science world human will become a version of themselves most suitable to their soul when they "reincarnate" themselves to the magical world, be it human or any of the demonic races.
However, I want a catch so that people from both worlds will recognize these "reincarnators" if they were looked at carefully. It works like this. Say if a science world human A "reincarnate" to the magical world and becomes a harpy. Other harpies that are native to the magical world will, at a glance, knew that she is from science world. Other magical world native beings will also, after looking at her carefully, knew that she is from the science world. But if a picture of A in harpy form is given to another science world human along with other harpy photos, he would not be able to tell which one is a "reincarnator". It is the same for a magical world demon B who comes to the science world and "reincarnated" as a human. He would be immediately recognized as from the magical world by other science world humans passing by him as from the magical world. But if the photo of B in human form is given to a magical world human with other science world human photos, that magical world human will not tell the difference. Why is it?