I want to know if living on a ring-world with an outer velocity of 1200km/s would be survivable by humans or would you get baked from the constant collisions with stray hydrogen and space dust?
I'm specifying out a world for a role-playing game I'm DM-ing. Part of it is set on a Niven-esque ring-world (open-topped with side walls) that is 2AU in diameter.
I wanted to know how fast it would have to spin to generate 1g of apparent gravity, and it comes out to about 1200km/s which is very, very fast. According to wolfram alpha that is 2.2 times the escape velocity for our galaxy.
Would my regular human PC's be able to live on it? I imagine that collisions between interstellar dust and the atmosphere of the ringworld would emit a lot of radiation and heat. Without a magnetosphere would this be enough radiation to kill you?