(I have edited this post for clarification)
I am currently designing a world where there is a species of werewolf-like beings. They call themselves the Amali and live side by side with humans. The two sides are friendly and even have children with one another, the children being just as likely to be human or Amali. In this world, life is generally good, but there is no electricity and few machines.
Here is a list of traits the Amali possess:
- During times of high emotion, they turn into massive wolf-beasts.
While feeling intense emotions, the Amali become beasts more than twice the height of a human. Their jaws and claws are strong enough to rip apart bone. That makes them dangerous, as they are difficult to stop in this form.
- Even in their human forms, they are far more powerful and faster than humans.
Even the weakest Amali has the strength of ten men. They are faster than humans and have better reflexes. One stray punch from an Amali could easily injure a human.
- Amali are constantly overwhelmed by their senses.
Amali smell, hearing, and taste are intense compared to a human. With sight and feeling being roughly average. Also, their tails and ears are extremely sensitive to being touched. Even in their human forms, they maintain their pointed ears and long fluffy tails.
The Question
What is one cultural change a society of mostly humans would inevitably have to make to safely live alongside a class of Amali, even though the latter class is stronger, faster, and have keener senses than humans?
In other words, what is one major cultural or societal change that would allow the two sides to coexist peacefully?
I am looking for one clear solution that:
-Is as humane and painless for both sides as possible.
-Takes into account all three aspects of the Amali
-Naturally incorporates the two sides, human and Amali, into one cohesive and mutually beneficial society.
I am not looking for a solution that:
-Actively hurts either the Amali or the humans
-Endorses enmity or dehumanization of either the Amali or the humans.
-Does not consider the complications Amali powers might bring on a society of many humans.