My problem is as follows:
- mr Average Joe has designed a device for time travel in his garage/basement
- at the moment he has sent the device forward in time (for testing purposes) a couple of times (first time a full second, afterward parts of a second -- smallest time setting is 0.01s), the biggest problem being the fact that the device appears at seemingly random places in or outside the testing grounds
The question:
- how would one set (or fix) the coordinates for the destination in space and time? (Given the fact that the earth rotates around its axis and the Sun, what would be a plausible set of coordinates for the device?) (If one takes into account only the rotation of the planet, one would reasonably expect to be in the same position if he/she travels 24h forwards or backwards in time -- but the Earth's rotation is not the only movement which needs to be taken into account)
About the machine:
- it's a device which can be portable (it just requires a power supply , wall socket would be enough)
- it creates a 'bubble' around the device, with a radius that can be set (and, of course, limited by the amount of power available)
- the 'bubble' dissipates as soon as the 'travel' is finished
- travel time is instantaneous to anyone/anything inside the 'bubble'
- after solving the coordinates problem, the device can be used as a teleportation device by setting the time at the minimum setting and modifying the coordinates
- it was built by cleverly combining off-the-shelf available technology
About the world:
- current time, current world
- no aliens
- mr Joe is of average background, so, limited access to funds, no access to expensive materials or devices, only off-the-shelf
This is my first post, so be gentle with me :D
If you feel that the post needs clarifications, please let me know.
EDIT: Some issues that need to be clarified:
- Joe needs to know the position before leaving, in order to avoid plunging into the depths of space or into the/a Sun.
- The device has a capacitor-type power source, meaning it charges when plugged in and can release the power all at once (much like a camera flash).
- It could possibly be modified to do 2 jumps and automated to return to the same location, but i'd try to avoid that, because obtaining the power for the next jump is an important part of the plot...
- building a ship or other vessel to contain the device and the traveler is a no-go, as would be over the character's budget (ans would spoil the science)
- the device pops in and out of time (tardis-like) but instantaneous, it does not travel the whole length of time (this avoids a lot of issues like: what happens if one travels backwards before the time of the machine, what happens if he travels to a time where he's already inside the machine?)
- the 'beacon' idea sounds nice, but one would have to somehow read the position of the beacon before travelling (see the first point in edit)
- the 'extra dimension' approach also sounds nice, but I would try to keep it as close to reality as possible, otherwise i could go all gunslinger -- The Dark Tower is one of my favorite reads
- the device adjusts for velocity (if it starts as stationary, upon arrival at the destination is still stationary)