First post here, but longtime lurker :3
My question is this: if you have a civilization that is using black holes as a battery/pseudo power source, and they want to weaponize it -without- shooting the thing at a target (due to ethics of this particular civilization, they don't want to screw up spacetime by blowing the things up near inhabited systems), can they use the penrose process to fire a laser/particle beam at the black hole, using the black holes gravity to accelerate the kinetic energy of the photons, and then fire that beam at an enemy ship?
In my mind I'm picturing a pencil beam ( seen here )where the particle weapon is being guided by the laser, with the two being bent and accelerated by the black hole. I don't know how realistic this is though, and thus wondered if perhaps using a matter beam via accretion disk is the better choice?
Which is the more viable method for an advanced civilization? Pencil beam(laser+particle beam) acceleration around a tiny black hole, or using the accretion disk of said black hole to create a matter beam?