Alright, so... First a nitpick regarding the rotation. If it's supposed to have a 24 hour rotation period like the Earth, your planet needs to have the exact same angular velocity of rotation as the Earth, which is about 360 degrees per 24 hours. It cannot rotate faster, unless you mean equatorial speed, which will indeed be higher to compensate for increased diameter. I suggest to specify that part. I will follow with the assumption that the planet has 24 hour rotation period and hence same angular velocity of rotation as Earth.
Your planet has 4.7 times the diameter of Earth, which puts it at almost 104 times the volume. Assuming that "being made of same elements as Earth" corresponds to the same density as Earth, we're looking at 104 times the mass of Earth. To give you a concept of scale, that's about 1/3rd of mass of Jupiter.
Using Earth's mass and radius as basis and knowing that we have 104 times the mass and 4.7 times the radius we get 4.7 times the gravity.
Life from Earth
With 4.7 times the gravity, you weigh 4.7 times as much as you do here. If you weigh 60kg, now you suddenly weigh 282kg, while your muscles are exactly as strong as they used to. It's exhausting at best and most defintiely harmful if you intend to experience this for an extended period. Most people would probably black out immediately, as an untrained individual is expected to go into G-LOC (G-force induced Loss Of Conscioussness) when exposed to more than 4G acceleration for a brief moment, let alone constantly. Astronauts and military jet pilots are trained to withstand these kind of forces, but only for brief moments.
I wouldn't say they'de be crushed, as you do not mention anything about increased atmospheric pressure, but they would collapse under their own weight and be unable to pump enough blood into their brain against the force of gravity.
The same would apply to animals, though I am not sure about impact on plantlife.
How far from the Sun
If the star is the same as our Sun, the habitable zone would also be the same, which means the planet would be located at roughly the same distance as Earth. And if you want to have the exact same orbital period as Earth around the exact same star as the Sun, the orbit of your planet needs to also be exactly the same.
I suppose living organism could be adapted to live there through some sort of genetic modification, though they wouldn't get a chance to naturally evolve there - if that's what you were asking - as they wouldn't be able to function on this planet before they are engineered to survive there.
For specific biological adaptations, I suggest you explore the answers to this question.