So, one of my main settings involves humanity colonizing an Earth-like planet. The planet has all the abiotic features needed to support mankind (oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere, magnetic field, 70% surface oceans, plate tectonics, a moon) and once had its own biosphere, which was recently wiped out in a tragic extinction event (luckily, this means that we have a source of alien fossil fuels). This is mostly because I’m not quite the best with speculative biology, and that my setting focuses more on the societal and technological aspects of humans starting anew on a planet near-identical to their own.
When humanity discovers this planet, they begin sending probes built to re-populate the planet with Earth’s native flora and fauna. How long would this process take? Is there a way that this process could be sped up, like GE’d organisms that reproduce faster?
For more information on the planet and it’s star system, the star system is very similar to our own.
- The sun is a singular G-type star.
- The planet has a rocky moon that causes moderate tides.
- The planet’s rotation period and orbital period are like that of Earth’s, and will lead to a calendar that is equally similar.
- The planet is smaller than Earth. However, the size difference between the two planets is so negligible that they might as well be the same size, like Venus and Earth.
- The planet’s composition is very alike to Earth’s, to the point where many of the natural resources found on Earth can be found here.
- The planet’s starward neighbor is a Mars-like analogue. I plan on the colonists regressing in technology after landing, and re-developing into a post-modern age, including just starting to colonize this planet.
- The planet also has a large Jupiter-like gas giant which deflects meteors from the planet.