In my fictional story I am playing with the idea of a sort of density gloves that can change density while keeping volume the same. Obviously you can punch people with diamond hard gloves with these things, but what are other uses? How dangerous are they to the people on the punching end? Since increased density increases the weight, how heavy can they get until they're inconvenient?
The principal
The gloves change density(magic, tech, biological whatnots, whatever works for your answer its pretty open) and can do it really quickly. More dense makes the glove heavier, less dense they get lighter, but volume always stays the same. Going across the spectrum from densest to least dense takes two seconds at most.
The most dense it can get is about three times the density of the densest element, at 70 grams in 1 cubic cm. The least dense(is there a better word for that?) it can get is 10^-20 grams per cubic cm.
More details can be added if you need them
Sort of a secondary question, but if two people have these gloves, what does a fight between them look like?