For the fantasy setting I'm working on, for a roleplaying game system, civilizations have stagnated into a 15th century technology and metallurgy level with some deviations to make for more interesting gameplay or story.
One thing I am trying to do is make a list of materials available within the setting so I know what can, and can't, be made. I'm also using this to give myself a rough idea of how items made from one material would compare to similar items made from another material.
In a previous question, someone showed me a useful chart on Wikipedia showing which metals were discovered when. I'm curious about what metals could have been refined using the techniques and knowledge of the 15th century if they simply had access to, and knew about, the ores needed to refine said metals.
I am also curious about metals that could be made possible with 15th century alchemy/chemistry knowledge to separate unwanted materials from ore to produce something that can be refined in a traditional smelting furnace, even if such a process is time consuming and expensive.
For this question, we're ignoring magic. There are materials that can only be magically obtained, but we're not discussing them in this question.