Followers of one religion bounce on their butts with legs crossed. What would they need to wear on their legs to make that comfortable?
Their scripture contrasts three gifts that will end (prophecy, translation, and knowledge) with three that will remain: "faith, hop, and love." This typo in 1 Corinthians 13:13 led some denominations to scrutinize the rest of scripture for jumping, leaping, and the like in order to find instances of gifts of the Spirit. One group ended up adopting a practice resembling the so-called "yogic flying" of real-world Transcendental Meditation. It involves sitting in the lotus position, focusing your mind on your destination, and then hopping on your buttocks and thighs.
In the real world, yogic flying exercises take place in a room filled with mattresses, as shown in videos like this. But in this fictional world, followers of this movement have adopted it as their everyday method of locomotion. Children are trained in it from infancy; instead of crawling before walking, they bottom-shuffle before hopping. In some cases, this results in atrophy of the muscles below the hips, as they are hardly ever used for weight bearing, with most of the work done by the buttock muscles.
Without the mattresses to help with cushioning and restitution, they would have to wear some specialized clothing on their legs. I'm guessing this may take the form of a sack that holds the legs in place, provides some sort of cushioning, has a durable sole layer, and has a pocket for carrying things. What form of legwear would be the most practical?
(No magic please. Tech level can be anywhere from King James era to modern times, as I'm not yet sure when these people adopted this practice.)