The bark would be any color. If the sun was always in the same position, plants would evolve to catch all the delicious light for photosynthesis with their leaf analogues so no significant radiation would hit the trunk. Or, maybe simpler way to think about it, if there was significant radiation hitting the trunk, the trees would be under pressure to evolve a way to catch it for photosynthesis.
The difference with birch is that the heat is transient. It lasts long enough to cause damage but would have little value as extra energy due to its transient nature and low angle.
With a tidally locked planet the radiation you get is the radiation you get. There is nothing transient about it and the angle it has is the angle it has. You either use it effectively or you give up on photosynthesis and become a parasitic plant (aka animal?) instead.
An interesting question is what the leaf analogues would like. For radiation a flatter surface would be nice but you also need to think about gas exchange and cooling. Maybe different climates would drive different solutions? Well, it is a separate question, so I'll not speculate.