We know from the International Pronunciation Alphabet (IPA) and the research that gave us the IPA, what sounds typically used in human speech (certainly not all sounds that can be made). This is all well and good but I want to do this for aliens with arbitrary physiology.
I don't want approximations or guesses. I'm looking for a software suite that might be adapted to my task. If the software works best in the hands of a PhD student or post-doc, that's probably the level of accuracy I'm looking for. I don't care about what sounds an alien will make, only the ones their physiology will allow them to make. If there are lower accuracy, but more approachable packages, I'd be interested in them too.
Computational complexity isn't a big problem as AWS/GCE is cheap and I have time.
(I also am not afraid of ruining monster movies for myself when some huge monster makes a noise pitched far above what their physiology would permit.)
/ is defined "open-mid back rounded oral vowel". $\endgroup$