So as to get a permanent upright twofeeted walking whilst keeping the handly setting, from a speculative evolution perspective, I recommend to lengthen and strengthen the metatarsal bones and become the apes or any other unmannish primate lineage into metatarsigrade walkers, right like the birds and other theropod dinosaurs, but only when they themselves are on the ground; otherwise, when they're on a bough or hanging from a bough, they'll be plantigrade walkers. That's how my sophont lemurs's feet are. I also happened to design Romanly sandals for my lemurs's feet, which have individual slots for the toes, and are full of adjustable straps: 3 straps for each toe, 2 straps for the feet's rest, and 2 more wrappings for the ankles. These sandals's paddings are thin yet sturdy and bendsome, akin to the mannish “barefoot shoes”, since they must still enable delicate toe movements for handling little objects.