I am creating a planet which is similar to earth (but slightly smaller), with similar climates and resource distribution. It is inhabited by 3 races, one of which are humans, and the other relevant one a race of cyborgs.
They are not "human" cyborgs, but a completely different organism, although they are humanoid in shape.
Essentially, they are partially composed what I would describe as "intelligent slime". This is enclosed in an armored cavity in their chest, which is what keeps them alive. This "slime" roughly approximates the function of a human brain. In essence, it is a neural network.
My question is: How would this kind of species evolve? How do you go from being an amoeba to an advanced race of cybernetic organisms, with no intermediary evolutionary step?
The easy way out is simply that the humans invented them, but I am curious what you all have to say. Is it scientifically possible, (or at least possible sounding) for something like this to occur?