You don't say who exactly was taken. Are Swiss people outside of Switzerland spared? Are people inside Switzerland who aren't Swiss spared?
So the people outside of Switzerland suddenly disappear, what will happen.
Well the first thing is there will be a load of "accidents". Cars that have lost their drivers while travelling at high speed are going to end up in pileups blocking up the highways. Airplanes are going to fall out of the sky sooner or later (sooner if there is no autopilot, later if there is one).
Lots of industrial processes may also fail in nasty ways. Generally when assessing risk "every human suddenly disappeared" is not a reasonable risk.
Railways typically use "dead mans switch" type controls and trains are fairly widely separated. So the railways will be less badly obstructed than the roads. A road-rail truck will likely be able to navigate the railways fairly easily but there aren't enough of those around to move more than a handful of people. Getting actual trains through will require doing something about the empty trains and doing something to take control of the points.
IMO with large number of accidents and no firefighters fire is likely to be a big problem. Especially if it happens during a hot dry summer.
With no humans to maintain it I would expect the power grid across Europe to start going into emergency modes and dropping loads off pretty quickly until it collapses completely. I am not a power engineer so I don't know how quickly it will go down but I would be very surprised if it was still operational by a few days after the initial event. The Swiss may be able to disconnect their grid from the rest of Europe but if they do then they would probably have to put in place a harsh level of rationing.
The internet will likely start disappearing a day or two after the power grid does as each datacenter runs out of fuel for it's backup generators.
Also lots of people just disappeared in a way science cannot explain. If the rapture is based on nationality then lots of people will see this happening. If it was based on location than less people will see it directly but the combination of a few people seeing it directly and many more people seeing the indirect results is going to lead to news spreading.
That is going to strike fear into peoples hearts. You have Switzerland which appears to be safe or relatively safe and the land outside where everyone just suddenly disappeared. With no idea what the hell just happened I would expect people to be very reluctant to venture outside of Switzerland.
Eventually a shortage of food and parts will force the Swiss to send people outside Switzerland to scout for resources. Likely at least some places will have avoided the fires and will have stocks of canned food that can be plundered.
I think severe technological regression is inevitable. Yes stuff is written down but often the devil is in the details and the details often only exist in people's heads. The supply chain for high tech products is complex and tangled around the world.
Another problem will be fuel degrading. Petrol that has been stored too long just doesn't work right in engines. I'm not sure if diesel fares better.
Likely some people will survive but their society will likely look nothing like ours.