Acoustic weapons are directed energy weapons used by the government to incapacitate and end crowds and protests. They use loud sounds to disturb the ears of those affected and some people even think that infrasound/ultrasound can rupture organs. Like found in this question on basilisk induced death Which has some extremely good answers that I recommend reading.
However, that is not what I am interested in, what I am interested in is the use of sound to match the resonant frequency of objects to shatter/rupture/break those objects such as when an opera singer breaks glass with her voice or when the ground is liquified by an earthquake. This is also described by a question called “What sorts of powers would a superhero and supervillain need to (inadvertently) be knocking down skyscrapers?” Where one responder told us of the ability to tune sounds to a frequency to shatter or break objects. (That is also a great question with many great answers from the community)
I am looking for a portable device that can tune into the resonant frequency or resonant frequencies of an object then emit a loud sound to break that object. Additionally I am looking to maximise the amount of devastation that can be caused by this weapon.
Is it even possible to build a weapon like this and if so how would it be made?
Edit:The tech level of this world is modern day earth set in America .