Imagine there lives a serpentine alien species on a hospitable terrestrial planet in a galaxy far far away, they are found around the swampy area and the entire place will become waterlogged during night fall. The moon always cause high tides at night time and the serpentine alien must evacuate their habitat to escape the rising acidic sea water (worst ocean acidification ever). Once the water retreats in the morning, it leaves behind plenty of nutrient for the alien to feast.
My question is how does the limbless 3m serpentine alien moves a dozen ping pong sized eggs to a higher place such as a tree?
Notes, not rules:
- The "snake" only lay a dozen eggs once in their lifetime
- They risks being hunted by diurnal predators with flying capability(edited)
- They look and moves exactly like their Earth counterpart, boa constrictor.
- They need to hide themselves by burrowing underground since all the vegetation including the trees are nigh indestructible, at least no alien can break or eat them.
- The eggs grow spikes over time resembling sea urchins, each needle contains a chemical that can induce deadly allergic reaction to all alien including themselves.
- Eggs should never be allowed to come into contact with the sea water.
- I am thinking super hard for a solution that can protect the eggs from the occasional flooding, but i want the alien to exhibit a parental behavior at least until the egg hatches.
- So they will have to shift the eggs themselves and I strongly believes that they must have evolved a unique trait for that.
- You need to give a real life example of the behavior or traits stated in your answer.