Let's start with why are they fighting and work from there.
In order for these IronSteel Men to be important in combat they have to be effective against other troops. It's powered armor, so it's almost certain that they're going to be stronger than the average. They may not be much faster, but it takes a very skilled swordsman (or spearman, or whatever) to actually get through the armor to kill the pilot. Meanwhile the pilot is devastating due to sheer strength.
In the air a pilot can do fly-bys at supersonic speed, with the resultant turbulence causing direct damage to ground troops if they're low enough (don't do this though, because nets suck) or simply by dropping bundles of short spears at Mach 3 over enemy formations.
So what are my objectives as a pilot in one of these engagements?
First I need to keep the enemy pilot busy so that my ground forces have a chance to do their thing. If taking them out is an option then that's good, but the suits are stupidly robust so that's going to be difficult. Mostly I just need to keep them away from my guys, and they need to keep me away from theirs.
Gound Combat
Let's get this one out of the way quickly. Once you're on the ground the objective is to force the other suit to engage one-on-one with you. Your respective ground forces will assist as and when opportunity arises, but you must prevent the other suit from rampaging through the weaker forces.
This is going to end up as a bit of a brawl, with the win probably going to whoever has the best agility in the suits. Power strikes and grappling are the main features to expect and train for, with a focus on crippling the other pilot to ensure they can't continue to fight. Ripping one of their limbs off will probably do the trick. But even just holding them down while friendly ground units try to breach the suit is viable.
Entanglement weapons are particularly useful in this scenario. Steel bolas, nets and ropes to entangle the suit will force the pilot to expend extra energy to break free, reducing their remaining operational time.
Air Combat
Here the objective is simply to keep pressure on the opponent to keep them away from your ground forces until they run down their energy and leave the field. You might get lucky and force a grounding, but an experienced pilot isn't going to be handing you that opportunity for nothing.
Considering the durability of the suits, the most likely mid-air tactic is going to be equivalent to shoulder-barging. It's going to be a flying demolition derby between two virtually indestructable contestants, bashing into each other and probably grappling in mid-air. Without ground leverage the grappling probably isn't going to result in much more than a lot of noise and changes in direction. The 'defender' is going to try to drag the 'attacker' down to the ground where they can be trapped amongst a prepared ground force with nets and spears, while the attacker is going to be trying to avoid exactly that happening.
When all else fails, break towards the enemy force. He's just as invested in stopping you from harassing his ground troops as you are towards him. Throw out some collateral damage to his troops and he's going to have to do something about it. Feinting towards his troops will keep him interested... unless he's fine with mutual annihilation.
Mostly though this is going to look like a couple of guys in suits going hand-to-hand in mid air. Slow-motion Saiyen fight without the power attacks, just lots of bashing into each other and throwing each other around. Probably look really cool, but who has time to watch when you're being quick-marched into battle?
The simplest win condition is to field more suits than your enemy. If they have two you field three. If you turn up with three and they actually have four, get the hell out of there. Because each suit that isn't being tied up is going to be wreaking havoc on the ground.
Second is stamina. If your opponent has less flight capacity than you, you just have to wear them down until you get that numbers advantage. In the sky, on the ground, just beat them down until one side has the numbers to win. Once one of them falls you have freed up a pilot to go kill the ground troops. And if you do it through exhaustion, peel the pilot out of his suit and give it to someone else on your side. Instant domination!
Third, tactics and pure combat ability. The least important here due to the overwhelming dominance of numbers in the win/lose equation, but still important. Train your pilots in every form of entanglement weapon, both using and facing. Run them through endless grappling scenarios. Have them practice grappling and entanglement every single day against each other. Build better entanglement weapons: bolas are great, nets are classic, Kusarigama are freaking amazing when used well.
And the final winning strategy: black ops. Find out who the pilots are and kill them in their sleep. Poison their food. Hold their families hostage. Anything it takes to keep them off the field in the first place. Whatever you have to do, no matter how despicable, to get the numbers advantage. And if you can steal their armor and use it for yourself, all the better. Whatever. It. Takes.