On the world of Ruquelis, there are three genders, men, women, and lilim who are a female sex, with wings and clawed feet. Because of the genetics of this situation, lilim are less fertile and can give birth to all three genders, while women are more fertile, and can give birth only to men and women.
This has led to wars and atrocious behavior toward women that has been perpetuated by the presence of reincarnation anchors. Because woman and lilim children are not distinguishable before the age of 9, by which time all lilim-children have begun to transform into lilim, while no woman-child displays these signs (except for the occasional exception who begins later, but they're not spoken of), 9 is the age at which a female child who is not visibly becoming a lilim legally becomes a woman.
In the Empire of Qlaemythu, 9 year old woman-children may be sterilized by bilateral oophorectomy if they are judged to be sufficiently valuable. The others... have a much worse fate that isn't relevant to this question.
There is no hormone replacement therapy available for these sterilized young women.
My question is: How would these sterilized young women differ from an unsterilized woman in her physical and mental development? What would they be like at adulthood?
I can speculate what they would be like, but I'm looking for scientific resources that show the consequences of such an act. Because sterilising a 9-year-old girl in this way rarely appears to be done in our own society, I haven't been able to find the information I need online. Perhaps my google-fu is weak... or perhaps there really is nothing online.
Since it has been pointed out in comments that all of these people would be a different species to Homo sapiens, here are the genetics that disprove that statement:
There are chromosomes X and Y, which are the normal, human sex chromosomes. There is also a L chromosome, which carries the genes to make a lilim a lilim. This is the only artificial addition that I have made.
We therefore have crosses:
Men (XY) and Women (XX) -> ½ XY and ½ XX.
This corresponds to our familiar 50% male/female sex ratios in unions between men and women.
However, we also have:
Men (XY) and Lilim (LX) -> ¼ XL, ¼ XX, ¼ YL and ¼ XY.
In these crosses, YL is immediately lethal, as the L chromosome is missing genes necessary for survival of a zygote that is only present on the X chromosome, preventing even a single round of cell division.
This leads to lilim effectively having a birth ratio of 1/3 XY Men, 1/3 XX Women and 1/3 XL Lilim, with a slightly lower birth rate than is the case for women.
Since this question is about sterilised fully human XX females, the statement that these women are not human is disproved.