In the near-future, a hitherto-undiscovered island becomes a training and research facility for an unnamed nation’s military. One field of research taking place on this island is in the development of genetically-engineered bioweapons.
One of these experimental “weapons” is rattus norvegicus cognitus; a subspecies of the brown rat or Norway rat whose intelligence and lifespan is greatly increased. These rats, (who have an IQ of about 100 and an average lifespan of 30 years) are intended for use as spies and foot soldiers that can sneak into enemy camps without ever being discovered, and gather information without conspicuous wearable cameras/microphones.
However, a war breaks out, and the unnamed enemy discovers this island. The base where the rats were developed is destroyed, but some of the rats escape and begin breeding in the island’s lush forests and wildernesses. Over time, these intelligent rodents develop a civilisation.
I intend for these rats to begin to farm crops on the alpine slopes of this island. However, I am not sure what the best food crops would be, hence my query.
Here are a few specifications:
the crops are being cultivated on the grassy slopes of the now-extinct volcano which lies at the centre of this small island.
these slopes are at an elevation of less that one kilometre.
the island has a dry-summer climate, similar to that of the Mediterranean.
the crops have to be able to be harvested easily by rats, and so should ideally be no more than a foot tall when fully grown. For this reason I am avoiding cereal crops such as wheat.
the rats have access to protein from fishing along the coast, so the main nutrients these crops have to provide are vitamins and fibre.
as rats do not typically hibernate, these crops should either grow throughout the year or produce a food source that can be stored over winter.