A god once created a beautiful planet and populated it with all kind of plant and animals. He brought up humans, because no world is complete without them. But then he paused. Not because he needed a rest, no, but because he thought about the future. And the future indeed looked cloudy.
His beloved humans would grow and multiply, invent wheel, iron working, steam engine. They would build railroads and factories, pipelines and chemical plants. They would play with nuclear power. What would happen to green hills and blue skies of this world? What would happen to its lesser creatures? Impeding ecological catastrophe looked inevitable.
Some other gods say that this is just a necessary step in a civilization growing up, and if ecological damage gets out of hand, a god should step in and punish his subjects with a great flood or something like that.
But not this god. So the god sat and thought about how his people can avoid spoiling their world. His powers were immense. He could strip the world of any natural resource, or make it overly abundant. He could change atmospheric composition and move around planets and moons. But his powers were limited too. He couldn't change laws of nature. And he couldn't change the nature of his people.
Some other gods say that ignorance is bliss. People are better off living in a garden of Eden, never knowing technology and its poisonous fruits. Maybe going a bit further and living in idyllic Middle Ages.
But not this god. He knew better of this so called idyll, and that his subjects deserve better. They deserve progress. But how avoid the dark side of it? So the god just sat and thought, and still could not come up with solution.
Can you help him?
P.S. The god understands that the term "ecological damage" is fuzzy and some strict criteria are required. So, the god suggests that his subjects should at all times comply with more stringent of Earth-based clean air and water standards. For example, US EPA sets following standards for air pollution: https://www.epa.gov/criteria-air-pollutants/naaqs-table