My last question was closed of being "too broad" so I've decided to add some more details to my world and then ask a more specific question. In our world The latest generation of humans mutated a gene that keeps them from aging. They still mature of course but they never start ageing (For those of you that don't know most humans reach full maturity around age 25 so imagine a world with lots of 25 year olds). They can still be killed by injury, disease, and malnutrition. But the they don't grow old like we do. If this was the case how would US law and politics change as it became clear to people weren't grow old anymore?
More details: Some back ground on how this all came about. A group of tranhumanist scientist that discovered a magic on and off switch of sorts in our DNA that effects aging. They invented a vires that altered the DNA in the chromosomes but left the rest of the in the human DNA body as it was. They then programed this virus to flip the switch on human ageing. They then dedicated there lives to make sure that every single human on earth was infected. Since those infected show no visible sighs of been sick the vires spreads very quickly. It has no effect on those infected since it only effects the chromosomes on a human and not the rest of the body. But since it the copy of our DNA in chromosomes that is past down to our children the kids of the infected people had the ageing off switch flipped off for every cell in their body.