Just Use TP
Why not use the TP like everybody else does? Oh, you might not realize TP stands for "teleportation portals".
They are simple and friendly to use--just insert an ergonomically delightful portal device into any orifice that might offend and violavoila, no more trips to the bathroom! In no time at all the whole crew can be ready for a full episode of bathroom-break-free entertainment!
TP is clinically proven to be safe, friendly and easy to use. Even lactose-intolerant Klingers-On can breath easy with TP caressing their innards.
"I've never felt so confident in my whole life!"
- Wharf, buttermilk lover
"Crew productivity is up 13.5% now that TP is standard issue!"
- Captain Smirk
Go Boldly With TP!