Machine Learning novice.
I enjoy programming, and;
byte me;
long john_silver;
char broiled;
string me_along;
float valve;
double jeopardy;
struct by_lightning { ... };
Object strongly;
class warfare { ... };
String cheese;
Exception taken;
Graphics ex; // XXX
long walk(short pier) { } // from the MrBunny Java book
int elligence;
bool me_over;
short circus;
int eger; // ...completing what the designers of the language left out
char acter;
bool ean;
void* bowels;
class Brick implements Throwable { }
class Marathon implements Runnable { }
class Novel implements Serializable { }
class Human implements Cloneable { }
Fun(key) %% funky!
/* Following was seen in the required (at least until 3.8 or so) constructor for a JUnit TestCase.
* Many words or parts of words can be substituted for man as the variable name for hours of amusement.
* The shortest that makes sense is just "b".
public MyTestCase(String man) {