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Eldritch Cheese's user avatar
Eldritch Cheese's user avatar
Eldritch Cheese
  • Member for 10 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a month ago
10 votes

Why must all magic teachers master the basics of forbidden dark magic?

9 votes

What would make a sky appear purple during the day?

9 votes

How, if at all, can space battleships mitigate gun recoil?

7 votes

Create a disease that can easily be cured by adopting a custom from another culture

6 votes

Implications of Newtonian universe

4 votes

Power cable from earth to the moon?

4 votes

Why would a decision making machine decide to destroy itself?

3 votes

Why would a decision making machine decide to destroy itself?

2 votes

How to convince people to teleport themselves?

2 votes

Is there anything that would accelerate the death of the sun?

1 vote

What could be a reason why a more developed civilization isn't helping a less developed one to advance?

1 vote

Culturally acceptable methods of "Burying" bodies of dead AIs