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talex's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • Earth
Speedrun to the moon in one lifetime?
Only realistic solution.
Design for an AI built spaceship
@Plutian it is good to have atmosphere. It help with cooling multiple components. Also prevent deterioration of many materials such as rubber and plastic. You don't need oxigen though.
Design for an AI built spaceship
You still need doors in case depressurization.
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Ray - A Hyper-Scanning Doomsday Weapon
@MaciejPiechotka are you assuming here that quantum theory is compatible with relativity?
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Ray - A Hyper-Scanning Doomsday Weapon
dP is limited by speed of light. Did it put absolute constraint on dX then?
Why would a society of witches choose to have more boys than girls?
@Patrice I thought about it again and you may be right, I may subconsciously applied our culture norms to that society, but they may have complete different norms. It may work then.
Why would a society of witches choose to have more boys than girls?
@Patrice Don't think that even bunch of slaves is worth the trouble and if you have to share them with society you have even less incentive to turn yourself into baby factory.
Why would a society of witches choose to have more boys than girls?
@Patrice In this case woman will not have any incentive to have boys. It will be overly complicated and painful way to make abortion.
If a large space ship crashes on a planet, what could kill passengers without obliterating the ship?
And if this liquid was engine coolant then explosion is explained too.
How would a society of chaotic evil individuals work?
Look around. We already live in such society.
How can Mutually Assured Destruction be made...not assured?
Of course it will lead to "one of two sides would have not developed" it is only unclear which one. Nuking Moscow won't give easy victory to US.
How can a secret, murderous cult remain secret?
@JoeBloggs naked, shaved and after colonoscopy :)
How reflective is blood?
If you want example of something with high viscosity think about glass. It is liquid with very high viscosity.
How could the rain fall slower?
it won't kill anyone. Just make word pretty weird. Everyone will have strange haircut. Because hairs will looks like you just wear synthetic pullover. All point up. But no lightning bolt hitting everything or something like that.
How could the rain fall slower?
You can add some other forces to equation. If your rain drop have electric charge with same sign as planet it will slow down them.
How can Elsa's power fuel my Industrial Revolution?
Oh. I get it. You suppose that Eliza can't cool things below zero,
How can Elsa's power fuel my Industrial Revolution?
I don't get it. Tcold can be as close to zero as we want. It mean that 1 - 0/298 efficiency. In other words 100%.