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TrEs-2b's user avatar
TrEs-2b's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
  • Alberta, Canada
3 votes

How could a winged human hide their wings?

3 votes

Maximum travel speed of a teleporter that requires line of sight

3 votes

Could a human civilization never invent the wheel?

3 votes

How will the first New Martians evolve?

3 votes

Latest Nazi Germany could reach peace agreement; maintain largest empire

3 votes

What change in history would I have to make to stop Christmas from happening?

2 votes

How do you keep clean on long, pre-industrial journeys?

2 votes

What type of architecture would an arachnid /crustacean likely to have? [SCULPTING FINISHED]

2 votes

On aliens, how do they speak?

2 votes

What could an aquatic civilization use to write on/with?

2 votes

Life on cold planets, and moving to warmer planets

2 votes

Who would win in a fight an Easter island head or a Spanish Conquistador

2 votes

What's the highest population the Earth could possibly sustain?

2 votes

Would armour made of spider silk work?

2 votes

A simple, yet effective, respirator

2 votes

How can I possibly stop ISIS?

2 votes

The Project Sahara V2

2 votes

How high would a mountain have to be?

2 votes

feet design for sustaining massive weight and climbing

2 votes

Fantasy Concealed Carry -- Pros and Cons of locations

2 votes

What would be advantage/disadvantage of a different concept of time of day?

2 votes

Would the world end if friction disappeared?

2 votes

Could traffic lights work underwater?

2 votes

Feasability of Minecraft-like humaniods

2 votes

Is it plausible that current insects will evolve sapience?

2 votes

How can a 'Hero' gain visibility with least amount of effort?

2 votes

Could a planet made completely of water exist?

2 votes

Are planetary orbits absolutely necessary?

2 votes

Anatomically correct Giants

2 votes

Why would humans help an alien race to wage war on another?