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15 votes
9 answers

In the shadow of a planet (science fiction)

I'm trying to come up with a scenario involving a mining base built on a planet that may only be approached from the shadowed side; the star (or other body) allows only that narrow lane of approach. ...
St0necr0w's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Planetary Universe?

I'm working on the setting for a fictional story I'm writing and I wanted to inquire as to how possible massive-Universe-sized planets are radius: 5 × 1030M, without me having to re-make the laws of ...
Tobi Alafin's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to prepare for an alien pyramid exploration? [closed]

In the near future, NASA has discovered the existence of a huge pyramid buried under the red dunes of Mars but no signs of life were detected. NASA has already achieved three successful space missions ...
Javert's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Methanol/Ethanol (other alcohol) based life-form and its planet? [closed]

This is the second part of my first question, where I've asked about an alien-civilization which uses methanol/ethanol/other alcohol as a solvent instead of water. In this question, I'm more ...
Jotunn's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

What would the physical properties of this planetary system be?

The Idea: A planetary system composed of many interconnected nodes and small bodies in a semi-stable arrangement, with much shorter distances between astronomical bodies than our own Solar System. It'...
ench's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How would three moons that were equally separated effect the planet?

So I have a fictional world where I have three moons orbiting this planet. I've used this web site to try and figure this out but I wanted to ask this question myself. My planet (a little bigger then ...
CreativeCrusader's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

What if Earth was eaten by a giant slow moving alien creature?

I'm coming up with a science fiction world for an assignment. Would it be possible for a planet like Earth to be eaten by a giant alien creature that moves through space at a relatively slow speed ...
Mary's user avatar
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