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Could a lake be seeded on Mars and sustain an ecosystem, including fish?

The temperature, pressure and radiation are all not optimum on Mars for life. But if the pressure were several fold higher (20-30 mbar instead 6 mbar), the temperature 5C higher, and with less ...
Brooks Nelson's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How long could an ecosystem survive without sunlight?

I am designing a terraformed Venus, where the planet has been given an Earth-like atmosphere but keeps it's original rotation rate. Colonists are importing Earth life to Venus to add a biosphere to ...
VenusUberAlles's user avatar
-2 votes
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Alternative biology/Xenoforming 3:any ideas how to xenoform Mars? [closed]

So i have an idea of an super advanced being that travels around the galaxy and spreads life on every planet that has any potential for it.By "life"i do not mean only "Carbon based"...
Mishima's user avatar
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