I'm building a world builder out of a SQL database. I'm going to use an implementation of Markov chains to build up lists of 1,000's of names. I'd like those names to have some consistency, so I plan to use various mixtures of real-world names as the input data for the procedure. The intention is not to re-create names that have existed, but rather to use Markovian logic to let SQL notice phonetic/morphological patterns my English-shackled brain can't.
I intend to use the worlds I create as backstory for D&D campaigns and also a showcase for my development skills, so the fruits of this labor will be public.
For example, the names for culture X are derived from 80% Babylonian and 20% modern Lithuanian. Using a data set of 80 Babylonian names and 20 Lithuanian names will, once fed through the name generator, give me something that is close to historical but hopefully with enough flavor to not sound derivative.
Doing this requires large volumes of names sorted by culture. I've been unable to locate such a data source. I'd like something that requires minimal re-formatting, editing, etc.
Sites such as 20000-names.com are helpful, but I'm hoping to avoid the formatting that comes with them.
Update: I've published my results so far on GitHub. For the non-SQL speakers, I hope to have a better interface for this project in the future. For those who can SQL, clone down the repo, run each .sql file, and execute the procedure markov_Complete. I'm happy to accept pull requests, even if it's just improving the readme. Any conversation specific to the database should happen on GitHub, not here.