So I've got a partially built world for an ongoing DnD campaign I'm running. The players are occupants (I wouldn't go so far as to say 'citizens') of a city in the Taldrin Kingdoms. Unbeknownst to them, the Taldrin Kingdoms (currently in the midst of a civil war) are about to come under attack. Camped several score of leagues from the city is a conquering party.
They are seasoned conquerors, hailing from the far-off land of Nemat, and they have heard of the Taldrin Kingdoms. Far traders have brought casks of pickled nightfish, scrolls concerning the containment of elemental powers, and holds of incredibly light Pande coal. All originated from the Taldrin Kingdom. Lately however, traders have been bringing rumors that the Kingdom isn't doing so hot and Nemat has decided to capitalize.
The conquering party is composed of five platoons, three of mixed cavalry and infantry, one of archers and one of sappers. They are lead by a smart tactician, who's lieutenant is a mage specializing in clairvoyance and communication magic.
My first question is, how plausible is this situation? Would a conquering-prone civilization send out an excursion party in such a way? Would they include more people, fewer? Is there anything I'm forgetting?
A note on mages: Decent wizards are pretty damn hard to find in this world, harder than in a standard DnD setting. There are probably only a couple dozen in a large city.
The Taldrin Kingdom is pretty large. It consists of three main areas, Pande (coastal), Linne (fertile valleys) and Clethe (boreal forest). Each has a capital city and many surrounding settlements. The capital itself is currently a war zone. Nemat is much, much larger. Its capital city is a metropolis, and its dozens of main colonies are large cities in and of themselves.