A new girl moves into town with her eccentric parents who are self-proclaimed, professional vampire-hunters. They, for some reason, are completely convinced that their new neighbor is a vampire, but so they were of the previous 10 'new neighbors' who all turned out to be completely normal people. Not everyone who lives in a Victorian mansion is a vampire, jeez. Asking around reveals that the 'vampire' is actually a really pleasant person to be around, and has to take care of his daughter all alone since his wife died long ago. He also frequently does volunteer work, saves cats out of trees, and helps old grandmas cross the street.
All right, nobody has ever seen him outside during daytime, he seems oddly afraid of garlic and doesn't ever eat, even during the neighborhood barbecue he hosted last week... But that's just coincidence, right. Right?
The big reveal that vampire-dad IS actually a vampire shouldn't be a surprise to the reader, but somehow his only (non-vampire) daughter had no clue. This is a little bit of a plot hole, as his daughter is around 15 years old and is completely aware of all the cliche vampire tropes. She has him as her only caretaker yet not once asks herself why her dad can't go outside during the day and seemingly never eats. Why?
- can't stand sunlight. UV or any other light doesn't bother him, but a single ray of daylight will cause him to spontaneously catch fire followed by instant death. So although he technically can go outside during the day, he really shouldn't risk it.
- is seriously allergic to garlic. Even the smell seems to cause rashes for some weird reason.
- can't eat normal 'human' food. If he does, he'll throw up after a while.
- has to get his daily blood-fix to prevent sanity slippage.
- gets his blood-fix through a weird fruit he cultivates in his own backyard. He jokingly calls them 'blood-oranges'. They hold no nutritious value to humans and taste absolutely horrible.
- has super strength, super senses, super reflexes and can turn into black mist.
- can use none of the above powers during the day.
- sleeps like any other person, but preferably during the day rather than at night.
- has a lot of money and doesn't have to work.
- is on good terms with his daughter and the entire neighborhood, save the two vampire-hunters.
- is a really nice person and doesn't want to hurt anyone.
- does not have a reflection. Not in mirrors or any reflective surface. Everything he wears or in some other way is not directly part of him, however, still gets reflected.
- has unusually large fangs.
Vampire-dad's daughter
- is not showing any vampire-traits (yet)
- is pretty smart and is aware of vampire classics like dracula, but somehow can't connect the dots.