Thinking of a future world with immense buildings and massive cities. Instead of large trains, people travel on "elevators" - pods travelling on a maglev-type system.
Each pod can hold about 15-20 people, and can go sideways as well as up and down.
I know a train can do something like 500kph, but this is a smaller pod, run on electricity supplied by to the elevator.
The pods travel through tubes, and occasionally have to wait at junctions. The entire system is automated.
Once on board, the pod cannot be stopped by the passengers (safety systems do exist - the point is that the passengers aren't in control).
The pod in my story is an express elevator. Start to end, no stopping.
In theory, how far could one of these pods travel in a 2 to 3 hour period?
Edit: Assume that the tubes are similar to city roads. Sometimes they merge, sometimes you have to turn off one & onto another. The system is automated in order to minimise travel time, but other traffic has to be considered.
For acceleration and stopping, in this case the customers do wear seatbelt/harness things (again, automated), but they don't have any Star Trek-type inertial dampers to prevent people being turned into paint if one of these things takes off too fast. (This is actually a bit of a plot point - someone causes a pod to accelerate to like mach 6 in the space of a few seconds, then slams on the brakes, killing everyone in the pod.)
With this question, I'm mostly getting an idea for an average commute.