In a steampunk world of floating islands, the primary transport mechanism is via Airships - essentially, an open-deck, full-sized ship suspended from a giant gas bag (classic steampunk stuff). The ship is analogous in size and crew to a 18th-century frigate.
The peril that these ships encounter is flocks of feral angels - once human-like, beautiful creatures, corrupted by a mind virus. These creatures have claws and sharp teeth, but no weapons. They travel in flocks of hundreds, and attack these airships mindlessly when they encounter them. They have no intelligence, hive mind or otherwise, and will just attack in blind rage.
In defence, the airships have been fitted with:
- Gatling guns (on the deck, and on a platform above the gas bag)
- flak cannons (from platforms attached to the hull)
- an electrified mesh that covers the gasbag to prevent the angels tearing it to shreds, by electrocuting them
- an electrified hull, to prevent the angels crawling up the underbelly
- For nighttime combat, slow-burning light flares (like fireworks)
In addition, the gasbag is made of hundreds of segmented sacs of gas (like cells in an orange), so that if the outer layer is shredded, the inner sacs will remain.
here is a rough illustration -
Given the overall design of the ship; given all the weaponry and armament; given the crew compliment;