Given that safe and reliable genetic modification are relatively common and accessible in my setting, I got interested in all the possibilities and implications that would occur by this, one of these is sports, I mean, it's not like it was ever fair as all people playing are different genetically, but in my setting every athlete has a team of genetic engineers behind, just like the engineers in F1 racing, and they are always trying to push the boundaries of human physical capability.
I got inspiration from real cases of people with "superpowers" due to mutations and also from nature, like the Mantis Shrimp that can charge their punches with the help of latches on their exoskeleton and release it with the acceleration of a .22 bullet, and I wonder if it could be possible to implement something like this in humans so they can charge their punches, kicks and other linear movements and release them at full power, but internally without requiring an exoskeleton with physical latches.
Any biological solution for this problem that you can think of?