Context: In my world, there is a lyssavirus strain with a long and complicated history that was accidentally developed into an extremely contagious bioaerosol; a doomsday biological weapon. Primates can get infected with it via inhalation, ingestion (drinking tainted water or eating contaminated fish) or blood. Depending on how one got infected, how compromised his immune system is and many other factors, first symptoms will become apparent in at least 85-90 hours, while in the most cases an infected person might not notice anything up to 2 weeks. So there must be ways of detecting any possible leaks and contamination incidents before it's too late.
Anyway... Due to a chain of unfortunate events a limited amount of bioaerosol gets vented out of an underground storage facility. Several minutes later the leak is detected, vents shut off and the facility goes on the highest level of biological alert. This includes sending a special helicopter equipped with some sort of "virus detector" - a machine that literally sucks in the air and detects the presence of the aforementioned bioaerosol - to check the surrounding areas to estimate a probable spread zone.
Question: Is a bioaerosol/virus detector possible? Is it possible to purposefully make bioaerosols into something quickly and easily detectable, the same way the propane gas, naturally odorless, can be detected because of artificially added odorants?