It takes about a million people with proper education and skills (trained for about 15 years - school plus uni, plus 5 years for gaining expirience)
So the guy is the only source of knowledge, not great, as he is a bottleneck and how fast the information can be written down is basically his speech speed - will take quite a time to write required things down.
Formulating knowledge like tasks also won't work as it requires them figure out things, and it is not much faster.
But let's say he has ability to teach 10 people properly, and them being able to do the same (efficiency of teaching is not that high, so it is a case on faster side of things - this alone will take probably 20-25 years)
So speed of information competency growth in this system will be like - it takes 120 years (more or less) to spread the knowledge in socitiety, for a million people to know, not talking about other things.
Not an exact number, and maybe not a best approach, but him being one source of informatin is a bottleneck.
Making a crucible for iron melting, casting - from scratch - looks like a simple task, knowing some general knowledge, but it turns out, when one try to actually do that, there is plenty of science involved, which you have to read about to understand the reasons for failure and understand what you have to change or adjust, and without that knowledge or understanding - the number of combinations are just to big, and most of them are bad, useless.
- modern crucibles for that are in section of trade secrets (ppl have their tricks and howto's)
That based on a guy expirience, who tried to do all this - quite an impressive lesson in many aspects.
And in that sense 120y it is an optimistic number in this situation, however not necessarly unreal one. But you have to understand that general knowledge and actual implementation are two huge differences, and as an example you can take microelectronics which you set as a goal - far from any country is capable to produce it today, I mean not that many countries do that, and there are examples when one company in the world holds all the expertiese to do something, and in many cases it about just few companies, etc. Bar is high, and not sure he is capable to have all the knowledge(mean reading speed alone makes it improbable, not talking about tricks part which a random guy does not have access to even for 50y old stuff).
Best he can do is to start the process of development, and he needs to free people from their regular work and switch them to that new one - expanding knowledge, test it, implement solutions.
So in that sense he needs knowledge to make equivalent to school course and few years at uni, scientific menthods, logic instead of religion etc. So as to find some set of solutions whicn allows him to free labor(10-30% of ppl) from one type of work and allocate those humans for that improving technologies work, find resources for it (ore, coal), locations where it is better to do stuff, to build things(big chunk of labor) - production places, energy generation etc.
In that sense it being 150-200 years is an optimistic enough scenario. So it almost the way it happened.
Also you have to have about 100 million of people as total population. And with 10 millions to start and average 1.5% growth rate per year it takes 150 years. 100 million is not necessaely sufficient for all we have today, but some limited version of it - may be enough. So size of population is another limiting factor.
- aaand you can't conquer them all, or it will become a managment problem size does not match the number of people which can be managed with this level of technologies - so it has to be a growth over time, along the growth of technological capacities and infrastructure.
And remember - micromanagment is a dead end.