Wait, what? Monks...evolving? Don't worry, I don't mean biological evolution, I mean social evolution, the natural progression and alteration of a societal role, specifically the Monk Class.
Considering the many monsters in my setting, Monks changing from pacifists to fighters makes sense, because quite frankly they don't have much chance of surviving otherwise and besides, clergy were at times permitted or required to fight. However, the mix of European and Asian philosophies demonstrated in the link above bring up a few questions, to say the least:
Cohesion-Monks existed in medieval Asia and Europe, but they most certainly did not have the same beliefs and therefore religion. This makes it seem likely that they would conflict, and considering Christianity's track record (just look at the Spanish Inquisition), it seems this conflict will (at least on the European side) be of the violent, battle-for-supremacy variety where "we will conquer your people and decide their beliefs for them!"
Culture Mingling-Even if #1 is accounted for, then we get into martial arts. The role Asian monks had in developing kung-fu and its various disciplines has been overemphazised, but it's quite possible that after entering Alendyias, those same monks will develop new martial arts to deal with them (which is supported by the answer to this question.
However, in order for European monks to utilize martial arts themselves, they would have to either learn it from their Asian counterparts or develop their own. The thing is, I don't see how or why said monks would do the former or the latter, unless of course said monks training to use armaments counts as learning or developing a martial art style, in which case they most certainly will.
However, I can't figure out how the role of Monk would evolve considering both the above points. Sure, I figure they'll use weapons, but what kinds of weapons? Will they start wearing chainmail robes for better protection? How would conflict between medieval European and Asian monks (and therefore clergy) most likely conclude? In short, How Would Monks "Evolve" In Alendyias?
Clarification: Yes, Europe had military religious orders, such as the Knights Templar. However, while this is important to recognize, this is not what I am talking about. Asian or European monks, in general, were pacifists.
I am certain mainstream pacifism, among Monks, will not exist in Alendyias, due to the many monsters. In other words, that monasterical society will switch to either "armed neutrality" (like Switzerland) or become militant, because circumstances (AKA monsters) require them to turn to violence and in "monstrous" conditions Monks will likely decide pacifism isn't for them.
The question also concerns Asian-style martial arts.
Yes, Europe had their own kind of martial arts. However, theirs was not nearly as diverse, and lacked the spiritual and philosophical aspects common to Asian fighting styles. The question thus concerns how Europeans would develop varied fighting styles, each with corresponding philosophies, and how Monks in Asia and Europe could evolve into a more militant role given the above conditions.