If you have played Eastern-style RPG's (role playing game, think Final Fantasy) your know they tend to have monsters of many types and sizes, some much larger, some smaller, some humanoid, some animal and some just bizarre. These games almost always have one character who is a martial artist, fighting with hands, feet, and occasionally metal fists or 'claws'.
As someone who knows just a tiny bit of martial arts, I can't help but see the difficulty of fighting these things; already they're at a disadvantage without a weapon compared to everyone else. However, my training in martial arts focuses on how to fight humans. It's not only about reading human body language to anticipate attacks, but also about knowing human vulnerabilities to strike (how do you aim for the solar plexus of a wolf!?). In fact I would have a hard time hitting a wolf with any power at all, my kicks are trained to strike at my waist level or higher, I don't know how to get power kicking someone who doesn't even come up to my waist with anything other than the impractical axe kick.
So how would a martial artist be trained in a RPG world where they anticipate fighting monsters of various sizes and shapes? Would their techniques be modified in any way? Are there tricks they could use when going up against things noticeably larger then them, or without analogous weak spots to hit?
Also keep in mind that RPGs run on Charles atlas superpowers, i.e. a human may train to superhuman feats. It's okay to assume humans are capable of learning and developing beyond what a human in our world can do, being faster stronger etc. Think of any Wuxia movie, like croching tiger hidden dragon, and the sort of things they do in them.