I am a warlock who has committed many evil and despicable deeds in his lifetime. Bad karma has blackened my soul, dooming me to an eternity of unspeakable suffering in hell. Luckily, there is a way to avoid this by cheating death by using what is called a phylactery. A phylactery was a sealed metal box on which arcane phrases were inscribed and operates similar to a horcrux. An individual uses these coffin-like boxes to resurrect themselves if they are ever killed unexpectedly.
A warlock can create as many of these boxes as needed, so if some goody two-shoes hero slays them, their soul travels to the closest phylactery in the area through a metaphysical link, such as a rune or sigil. They can come back as many times the number of boxes they created. The problem with this method is that the phylactery uses the person's soul as a power source in order to fuel the magic. Whenever a new one is created, the soul is divided in half. (Etc., Five boxes means the soul has been divided 5 times). These weakens the user's magical abilities, as the soul contains a person's Mana which is used for magic.
I have found a way around this method by using the souls of others to maintain the box rather than my own. Through a dark ritual, I can strip the soul from an individual and attach it to the box, using it as a power source for the magic. I can then take the burden off my soul and link it to the phylactery through the metaphysical link. My plan was to repeat this process as many times as possible, giving myself an unlimited number of lives and achieving as semi-immortality.
However, my plan is not viable. Even though my soul is fully intact, it can only link to a single phylactery at a time. This is despite the fact that it no longer needs to power the magic of the box. Why would this be the case?