In this age of instant gratification, who is willing to wait 18 months for you?
Does your spouse really love you enough to wait for you to be reborn, or will they stray? If they are wealthy in their own right or if they are dependent upon your wealth, you won't be there to make sure that gold-diggers don't try to seduce them. If your spouse is a celebrity, they will likely be pursued regardless of the wealth or poverty of the pursuers.
Who will look after your kids and your pets while you're gone, and will they want to come back to you when you return? A year and a half is a long time for young kids. If you are female and were pregnant, are you still pregnant? It was only your soul that was bound to this mortal coil... so the question as to when a foetus develops it's own soul will soon be answered... but will you like that answer?
What of your parents and relatives? There's little doubt that if they love you, they will wait for you... if they can. By the time you can afford to pay for future resurrection, you're likely to be getting on in years, which means that it is more likely that any parent - or aunt or uncle, or especially, grandparent alive at the time of your death may have died of old age in your absence... especially if they are dependent upon your care.
Whatever your source of income, will you still have it when you come back? If self-employed, or if you are the owner and CEO of a corporation, will your business even exist after a year and a half of your neglect of it? During that time, your customers may have gone elsewhere if your business has simply suspended trading, or if business continues, whoever has managed your company for you in your absence may have run it into the ground - or embezzled its funds and assets and vanished, or it may have been taken over by another company.
If you're a celebrity, you'll have spent a year and a half out of the public spotlight, while other celebrities vie for the public's attention. Unless you have planned well for the eventuality of your untimely death, you'll likely come back to find that you're last-year's news, and face an uphill battle to rebuild your public image, in the face of other celebrities who don't want to give the spotlight back to you.
If you are an employee, will you still have a job? Maternity leave is six months, and it has been a hard fight for women to be able to go back to their former employment afterwards, and you want your employer to hold your job for three times as long? If you're easily replaceable, you wouldn't likely have the money to be resurrected, so that means that you would have a job that requires a significant amount of skill... though in 18 months, your employer would likely have found or trained a replacement - especially if you are easily replaceable, and you'll be 18 months out-of-date.
If you live with someone, will they have left you your belongings, or will they have appropriated them? If you lived alone, you'd want to have good security, in case your place gets burgled... and that's only if you owned your place of residence. If you were renting, did you make arrangements to pay the rent in your absence? If not, you could find your belongings in storage (or just gone) and someone else in your former residence. Even if you owned your place of residence, did the bank foreclose on your mortgage? Was it seized because the rates and utility bills weren't paid?
Has your car been impounded or stolen if you left it in a public place? If it was garaged, will it still run after a year and a half, or has your partner continued to use it, and crashed it, run it into the ground, run off with it, or perhaps returned it to you in good condition, only with a lot more miles on the clock? If you're wealthy, you may replace your car often... only this time, it could be up to a year and a half older than you usually let your cars get before you replace them, and not be worth as much. There will likely have been at least one, and possibly as many as three newer models released while you were gone.
Now do you think that death is cheap if there is resurrection?